Sunday, December 12, 2004


Well, it's been a little while again since my last post and I'll blame it squarely on the Christmas season. I've been doing the whole concert circuit and the fitting in the occasional family gathering while I'm at it. While I've made significant gains in the card and present endeavours, it has left me with little time or inclination to spend on less immediate, though arguably more noble, goals.

I'd rather not be slave to the annual festivities and commercialism. This year, in particular, has been less than Christmas-y for a variety of reasons yet has still managed to involve a lot of work.

I do have a few days scheduled off with the intent of using them to work on all the things that I let slip in order to meet mailing deadlines. Genealogy info, poetry editing and meeting notes are stacked and waiting for my attention.

Organising 101 is about to commence. Man, I love post-it notes.