Friday, October 29, 2004

oh, will weirdness never cease

Once again, it's been a strange week. It's gone by as though it never happened - kind of like I blinked and missed it entirely. At the same time, Wednesday, though only two days ago, seems an absolute eternity in the past. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be just me. Everyone at work has commented on it, as has my sister of one of my husband's sisters.

There was the aforementioned blue moon that must have had some certain impact on events, and just this week was the lunar eclipse. The day after, co-workers and family alike were behaving oddly (myself included) and we were all glad to simply crawl home. I had the feeling - no, forget that - I know people kept looking at me all day. Strangers at lunch, vague acquaintances in the hall (the kind of people you recognize, but couldn't remember their name if you had to introduce them to someone else) other evening dog-walkers all kept looking at me. My skin's not overly misbehaving. I'm fairly sure that I didn't have anything weird stuck to my person. It was all just odd.

I may have to revise my theory that time is individual and dependent simply on how one chooses to spend it. I now have to look for that Star Trek-esque hole in the space time continuum. I'm starting to think that it may be out there. It's either that, or our orbit around the sun is deteriorating while the speed of earth's rotation has increased: shorter years and quicker days. Yeah, that's it.

Alright, this rant has deteriorated rapidly. As usual, I have a tonne of real things to accomplish tonight like cleaning, carving pumpkins, laundry and emails. No wonder I always think I run out of time! The five minute blog simply sucks more minutes than I should be wasting. Perhaps that's it....the internet has turned into a black hole of time and it sucks the days out of unsuspecting surfers - you know, complete with a swirly pattern like in Austin Powers.

oh, man. On that note, I think I'll go have a glass of port, sit in front of the tv and fold socks. That may be all tonight is good for.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Behind the Times

Here I am now blogging when I have a million other things that I should be doing, not the least of which is sleep. I need to edit some photos for distribution, I need to write and edit some works in progress and I need to organise my workspace so that simply existing in the same square footage as my papers isn't so stressfull.

But, no, instead I blog.

It's good to blog. It gets the writing juices going and gets the stream of conscious puking on paper verbiage out of the way so that the well-planned words can emerge intact and making sense. That's the theory anyway.

Some of the photos requiring editing have just arrived courtesy of the significant other. I think that's a sign.

Verbosity is expunged. PhotoShop, here I come.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

When the past goes out for dinner

I had dinner last night with previous co-workers of mine, some of whom still work together. It sounded like a good idea - getting the gang all together for a mini reunion and a chance to reconnect with everyone.

It was wierd.

Don't get me wrong, I was excited to see all these friends again and I'm very glad I went and had the chance to keep in touch with everyone. However, I'd just spent the weekend schmoozing and had very little small talk left in me. I was nearly fresh out of fresh quips and my attempts to keep the conversations bouyant were rather weak. I left slightly smaller at the end of the evening.

But, after a night of sleep and, apparently, my poor company notwithstanding, I now recall that we lingered over the colourful assortments of raw fish a lot longer than I thought possible and left far before the silences of staled story-telling began. There were no strangled pauses, no hiccups over a spouse's name nor any random speculations about the local sports teams. We all asked, answered and interjected our fair share of verbiage and took turns guessing whether it was salmon or tuna hiding under the hot sauce on the spicy roll platter. The six of us managed to spend the better part of an evening catching up and getting on as though we had never stopped seeing each other five days a week. We learned all about everyones' summer vacations (some better than others) and were regaled with stories of the various children/grandchildren/neices and nephews interspersed with brief commisserations about careers past and present. I guess that's why we all bothered to get together in the first place: even though it had been over a year since some of us had seen each other, we still simply know each other and are confident in that comfort.

It was good.